Have you heard that before? Before we get to the fun part, there’s an important thing to learn:

You want to use a wallet that lets you send and receive, but at the same time, one where you really remain being the owner of your moneros.

If that sounded confusing, think of the difference between having your money in a safe at home, and having it in a bank. The bank might look like a safer place but the reality is that you’re trusting them with your money. You just have confidence that when you want your money back, they will give it to you. The only thing you have while your money is in the bank, is a promise.

There’s no such thing as a safe, regulated crypto bank. Even if you trust your government, they’ve never rescued people that lost money on a crypto company. Most of them are companies in jurisdictions that don’t even force them to have the moneros you deposited at hand. They could very well be lying, and don’t have moneros saved at all.

The wallets I’ve mentioned give you the key to your moneros. They don’t have a copy of that key, so they can’t steal your money. That also means that if you lose that key, they can’t help you getting it back. There’s no password recovery mechanism. It may sound scary, but it’s actually empowering you.

Try to minimize your dependency on others to hold your money. Happily, that’s not that hard to do.

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