Now that you’re the one sending, you need the address you have to send to. The other person will have to share their address with you in a message, or show you a QR code for you to scan.

Open your wallet, and choose Send. Paste the address there, or scan the QR. The app will validate that it looks like a valid Monero address. That just means it’s 95 characters long and starts with a 4 or an 8.

Next you’ll have to enter the amount. Most wallets will have a function where you can for example enter the equivalent in Euros or Dollars and have it converted to an equal amount of Monero. That’s useful if you need to pay for something that’s priced in regular ugly money.

In the final stage, the wallet will show you the details of your transaction, before actually making it. Check the address is right, check the amount of moneros to be sent is right, and if everything looks ok, accept.

Sending Monero always involves a tiny fee that is paid to the miners that write in the shared list of transactions. This is also one of the ways to earn some moneros, if you’re interested read on how to mine some.

Once back to your list of transactions, you’ll see this recent outgoing one. At first, it’ll be pending, but after two minutes or so, it should turn into confirmed. That means it got written on the latest block, and you cannot take it back.

Well done! Now that you know how to send, check out some of the things you can do with your moneros.

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